Preparing Windows 7 to join Samba 3
A Windows 7 workstation cannot join a domain controled by Samba 3
without some initial preparation work. The following relaxes some
of the security features introduced in Windows 7.
- Edit the group policy: In Computer/Windows
Settings/Security Settings/Local Policies/Security Options:
- set Network Security: LAN Manager Auth. Level to
Send LM&NTLM use NTLMv2 session sec. if
- unchek Required 128b encryption for both Network
Security: Minimum session... clients and server.
- Open the registry editor and modify the following (or save the
following code in a .reg file and double-click it):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; Win7/Samba 3.4.x - Workstation Share
; Win7/Samba 3.4.x - Compat
; AllowPlain ....
; RequireSecuritySignature"=dword:00000000
; Win7/Samba 3.4.x - Compat
;Turn off last user logged in stuff.
;Disable the security center stuff annoyances
; [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\wscsvc]
; "Start"=dword:00000003
; Speedup settings
; Can drive you nuts
;Stupid keys that make the windows 7 sysprep crap out.