Chapter 26 Updating FreeBSD

Table of Contents
26.1 Synopsis
26.2 FreeBSD Update
26.3 Portsnap: A Ports Collection Update Tool
Written by Tom Rhodes. Based on notes provided by Colin Percival.

26.1 Synopsis

Over time, one primary aspect of the FreeBSD operating system has remained the same. This is the requirement to use applications and utilities to obtain major and minor system updates.

For many years, users wishing to upgrade their system, collect security patches, and obtain port and package updates without breaking the Ports Collection visioning methods were forced to use the CVSup tool.

While use of CVSup is still supported, and a true C-language version was added to FreeBSD, there are new methods to acquire system updates.

Tools such as portsnap(8), and freebsd-update(8) have streamlined the upgrade process. These new methods increase productivity while providing a more simple interface for users. Some of the new tools may be run from cron(8) reducing the manual intervention of the systems administrator; a benefit for those who monitor hundreds of FreeBSD machines.

This chapter will explain these new methods, and how users and system administrators alike may benefit from their practical and easy use.

After reading this chapter, you will know:

Before reading this chapter, you should:

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