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0.5. Conventions Used in This Book

The following formatting conventions are used in this book:


Is used for emphasis and to signify the first use of a term. Italic is also used for commands, email addresses, web sites, FTP sites, file and directory names, and newsgroups.


Is occasionally used to refer to particular keys on a computer keyboard or to portions of a user interface, such as the Back button or the Options menu.

Letter Gothic

Is used in all Java code and generally for anything that you would type literally when programming, including options, keywords, data types, constants, method names, variables class names, and interface names.

Letter Gothic Oblique

Is used for the names of function arguments, and generally as a placeholder to indicate an item that should be replaced with an actual value in your program.

Franklin Gothic Book Condensed

Is used for the Java class synopses in Part III. This very narrow font allows us to fit a lot of information on the page without a lot of distracting line breaks. This font is also used for code entities in the descriptions in Part III.

Franklin Gothic Demi Condensed

Is used for highlighting class, method, field, property, and constructor names in Part III, which makes it easier to scan the class synopses.

Franklin Gothic Book Compressed Italic

Is used for method parameter names and comments in Part III.

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