Organized by:
Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand)
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique
et en Automatique (France)
Interested researchers or Post-graduate students are welcome.
The school is to be held prior to the 1996 Asian Computer Science Conference (2-5 December, 1996), Singapore.
TOPIC : Synthesis and Verification of Finite-State Machines Based Systems
Gerard Berry
Ecole des Mines/INRIA, France
Nicolas Halbwachs
CNRS, France
Ellen Sentovich
Cadence Berkeley Laboratories, USA
Automatic sythesis and verification of computer systems is
a domain of growing importance, since errors in these systems can have
dramatic economic or human consequences. In some application domains,
synthesis and verification can be automatically driven on a
finite model (state graph) of the
system. Such methods concern circuits --- which are intrinsically
finite-state --- but also communication protocols, and industrial
control systems, the critical properties of which can often be
analyzed on a finite model. This approach has been intensively studied
during the last 15 years; also, it gave raise to actual verification
tools, and to large scale applications. Adressed problems concern
specification (what is to be verified, and how to express it?)
Application Areas
- | Circuit synthesis, optimization, and verification |
- | Software and Hardware synthesis, optimization, and verification from Synchronous Languages |
Explicitly Given Finite State Machines
- | Software Implementation |
- | Bisimulation techniques for verification |
- | Linear-time and branching-time temporal logics |
Implicitly Given Finite State Machines
- | Representation by Boolean Logic Networks |
- | Standard Boolean techniques (sums of products, kernels, don't cares, etc...) |
- | Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) |
- | Latch and Logic minimization |
- | Implicit state space exploration: dealing with the state explosion problem |
- | Implicit temporal logic verification |
- | Verification by Observers |
Real-Time verification
- | Adding counters to FSMs |
- | Exact and approximate verification techniques |
US$1,200 (twin-shared accomodation (8 nights), three meals and two coffee
breaks per day, BKK-Rayong-BKK, course materials and
attendences of all sessions)
SCHEDULE : Click here