NSTDA was established to be the main "driving force" for rapid S&T
development. In this endeavor NSTDA has the dual role of both supporting and
implementing such development. Support is given to both public and private
sectors and includes research funding, information services through fhe
Technical Information Access Center
TIAC). Institutional strengthening
programs, and other activities that lead to the harnessing of appropriate
S&T for social and economic benefits. Human resource is developed through
a substantial number of scholarships, both local and overseas. NSTDA also
carries out in-house research, development and engineering (RD&E) and
provides a range of services such as technical services, consultancy, and
training courses. A tripartite co-operation between the private sector
(technology user), the academic institutions (technology generator) and
NSTDA (facilitator) is the main aim of these activities. This ambition is being
expressed in physical terms in the setting up of the Science & Technology.
Research & Development Park
(Science Park).
to start construction in 1995 at the 80 acre Rangsit site. The park will
house, a mong other facilities, technology
and business incubators, the main NSTDA Office Building, the three National
Research Centers, and will provide the base camp for NSTDA operations and