Call for papers, conferences and workshops advertised
Previous years: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005,2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997 and before
New annoucements
- Shifting Gears – from Data Mining and Applications of Artificial Neural Networks to putting Tele-presence of Medical Doctors in poor rural communities, by Prof Arnulfo P. Azcarraga, Friday, Aug. 28, 2015, 15:00, CSIM #106.
- Molecular Communication and the Future Perspectives on the Internet of Bio-Nano Things, by Dr. Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Wednesday, Aug. 19. 2015, 14:00, CSIM #106.
2015 Conferences
2015 Workshops
2015 Seminars
- Shifting Gears – from Data Mining and Applications of Artificial Neural Networks to putting Tele-presence of Medical Doctors in poor rural communities, by
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , De La Salle University, Philippines.
Friday, Aug. 28, 2015, 15:00, CSIM #106.
she talk begins with a general introduction to Big Data and Data Mining. Various applications of artificial neural networks will be discussed with some examples drawn from text mining, pattern recognition, and digital archives for music files. The “shifting gears” as used in the title would then be explained when the author shifts research attention to the building of the GetBetter system - towards quality healthcare for poor patients in rural communities. The GettBetter tele-diagnosis system allows for the tele-presence of medical doctors in community health centers where it would not be possible for medical doctors to be posted on a fulltime basis. The GetBetter system is web-based, making use of databases that are stored in the ‘cloud” and using the WebRTC protocol for building the interface on top of Html5. With the use of 10-inch Android tablets, community health workers are able to upload medical information about the patients, scan or take picture of laboratory tests and filled medical history sheets, as well as upload a voice-recording of the “history of present illness” as extracted from the interview with the patient (or the parent/guardian). The community health worker is also able to take pictures of the affected area of the body (e.g. lumps or rashes on skin, sore or inflamed throat, infected open wounds) as well as video-tape the patients while they cough or as they limp. These uploaded information are all made available to a medical doctor stationed elsewhere, who gets to assess the patient by just relying on the uploaded information. For confirmation and for additional information, the doctor can make further queries and can interview the patient real-time. The GetBetter system allows for referrals to specialist doctors for second medical opinion. Once satisfied with the assessment, the doctor finally sends instructions to the community health worker, and also uploads a prescription sheet that the health worker can print at health center. These are all made possible, and are only possible, with a good Internet connection. The GetBetter system has been deployed in Calapan City, Mindoro Oriental. The System paves the way for full-blown health informatics. Coming full circle once the System is widely deployed in a few years, the more in-depth research in data mining, data analytics and Big Data can once again be pursued in earnest. As such, towards the end of the talk, various Computer Science projects, suitable for undergraduate and graduate thesis topics, will be explained, as well as clinical trials and interdisciplinary studies that would require collaboration with researchers in Business, Medicine, Economics, Social Science, Communication Arts, as well as Instrumentation Physics and Communications Engineering. - Molecular Communication and the Future Perspectives on the Internet of Bio-Nano Things, by Dr. Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Nano Communication Centre, Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland.
Wednesday, Aug. 19. 2015, 14:00, CSIM #106.
The field of nanotechnology, evolved over the last few decades, has resulted in the ability of engineering novel tools, materials, and components at the molecular and atomic scale, and it is expected to lead to the development of nanoscale machines, or nanomachines. However, a shortcoming of these nanomachines is the limited processing capabilities that allow them to only perform limited tasks. Enabling communication between nanomachines could further strengthen their capabilities and provide opportunities for new applications. The emerging field of molecular communication aims to enable nanomachines to communicate from an infrastructure that is constructed using biological components and systems that are found in nature. The possibility of constructing bio-compatible communication systems using natural biological cells are at the basis of a plethora of application including, intra-body sensing and actuation as well as targeted drug delivery. The focus of this seminar is to provide an overview of this new field, where molecular communication system models using bacteria, calcium signaling, and virus will be presented. For each of these models, a representative communication system will be discussed. The seminar will also discuss the possible reuse of protocols from conventional communication systems that can be applied to molecular communication. Lastly, the seminar presents future perspectives of applying molecular communication for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things. - Test-Driven Development Workshop, by Chokchai Phatharamalai.
Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015, 10:00, CSIM #209.
Test-Driven Development (TDD) has proven to be an extremely useful and productive methodology in the software industry. Upending the traditional engineering cycle of Analyze -> Design -> Implement -> Test, TDD takes a "test first" approach, requiring that initially failing tests verifying that specifications are met should be designed and implemented before any design or implementation of the product itself. Although TDD has the potential to radically improve productivity, successful adoption of a TDD process requires understanding and commitment from the entire software team.
This workshop will introduce the concepts of TDD, explain its benefits, provide a live demonstration of TDD in action, then give attendees a chance to participate in a collaborative TDD session.
Chokchai Phatharamalai is an alumnus of CSIM's Software Engineering program and an Agile Coach at Odd-e in Bangkok. He is passionate about human productivity and is always searching for factors that affect it. He loves to give talks and inspire people to be more productive.
Chokchai’s work experience has been split between academia and industry. He appreciates access to the most recent knowledge in academia that has yet to be applied in industry and enjoys sharing real life experiences he has come across in the software industry with academic peers.
Call for papers, conferences and workshops advertised to us
- IEEE SSCI 2015, the 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Dec 7 – 10, 2015, CapeTown, South Africa.
The IEEE SSCI 2015 co-locates multiple symposiums at one single location, providing a unique opportunity to encourage cross fertilization and collaborations in all areas of CI. This year¹s IEEE SSCI 2015 features a large number of keynotes, tutorials, special sessions, and currently 29 confirmed symposiums and workshops. - BMEI 2015. 7th international conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, Oct 14 – 16, 2015, Shenyang, China.
Communications and Networking, Software Engineering, Data Engineering, Intelligent Computing, Information Security, Automation and Control, etc. - vBSDcon, Sep. 11, 2015, Reston, Canada.
vBSDcon is a technical conference focused on the BSD family of operating systems including, but not limited to, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and others. Any user, developer, engineer, or innovator involved with any of the BSD family of operating systems will want to mark these dates. vBSDcon will feature plenary talks, Birds of a Feather discussions, lightning talks, and much more. - ICIC2015, the eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Aug. 20 – 23, 2015, Fuzhou, China.
To be listed on this page, your conference theme should be related to computer science or information management. Please send an email to the contact below, listing the conference acronym, name, date, location, submission deadline, URL and a short paragraph discribing the conference. Failing to provide the above mentionned information, your conference will not be added tothis page.