Antenna Adjustment

On Tuesday, July 21st, 1998, we proceeded with antenna position adjustment.  AI3 Logo CSIM Logo

From 16:00 to 18:00 (Thailand time, GMT +7), satellite JCSAT-3 was at nominal position so we could adjust the pointing of our ground station antenna.

After halting the transmission, we connected a signal analyser to the output of the LNB and proceeded to slowly move the dish until we could maximize the lobes of the received signal.

Antenna adjustment led us to lower the elevation of the dish by half to one degree. No reccord was kept of the azimut adjutment.

After antenna adjustment, we could notice a significant improvement of the reception signal, as shown on the graph below:

Eb/No signal

Eb/No level between Sat, July 17th and Thursday, July 23rd, 1998.

The red marker shows the time when the system was back to normal after antenna adjustment.

On the graph we can see that the receiving signal was increased by approximately 2 dB.

On the following day, we proceeded with the UAT, at that time we could adjust the transmission power back to normal level:
After adjustment Before adjustment
Tx power at the modem -20 dB -16dB
Backoff power at ODU 9dB 6dB

Contact: Olivier Nicole AIT Logo         CSIM Logo Last update: Mon, Nov 09, 98