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AI3-Thailand, UNFCCC COP3, Kyoto


From December, 1st, until December, 10th, 1997, Thailand will participate to the broadcasting of the The 3rd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The broadcast is relayed to Thailand through the AI3 project. And two servers that are made available in the country.

How to view it?

1.If it is not available yet, install a viewer on your computer.
To view the conference, use the RealPleayer software.
AIT users can download RealPlayer 5.0 for Windows 95, localy for the purpose of this conference only.

2. Follow the link "list of sessions" under here to access the list of life and reccorded programs.

3. Chose a live program or a prerecorded session (Video on Demand).

4.Select a Thai server from the list, either AI3 AIT, Thailand or AI3 NECTEC, Thailand.

Not all the programs are available on multiple servers.

5. Select the language you want to listen, and click on the 'Go there' button.

Now go for it...

Go to the list of session to see the programs that are offered.

Technical Information

[Image not viewable with this browser] The server at AIT is located in Computer Science and Information Management program.

The configuration of the server is the following:

[Image not viewable with this browser] The server at NECTEC has the following configuration:

This page was written by Olivier Nicole.